Ashley in her private life is addicted to fucking white men bareback, she's obsessed with being full of spunk, she only sells her pussy to white guys and is notorious for giving it up for free, Ashley admits she looks out for big men with oversized fingers, she was broken in by a middle aged white neighbour, the huge intimidating figure was a corrupt cop who hid his misdemeanours behind the badge, without a father, and a mother working all hours, Ashley was a vulnerable teenager, the guy was a ugly brute with a massive cock, when mother was away for the weekend working the big man waited for the callow teen after skool, bluffing his way in the big cop manhandled Ashley into her bedroom, the virgin felt fat fingers pressing into her tight cunt, quickly it was wet and ready, as the huge cock bludgeoned thru the hymen into the supple vagina, Ashley's involuntary pleasure excited the cop, pinning her to the bed he pumped the pussy with full for ce, orgasms rippled through the teenager, she spread wide and rutted with her assailant, they fucked for several hours, fiive thick loads, when he got off her Ashley breathlessly looked up and knew what she wanted in life, the cop shared her with friends and family, pimped her out, then encouraged her porn career, it was from this nascent sexual encounter that led this beautiful girl to a life of BWC addiction, she's proud to be our cumdump, eventually she'll be bred several times, our pussy, our cumdump.
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Ashley hasn't done any porn content recently, she signed up with a billionaire from Alabama, this seedy white supremacist saw the way she responded to James Deen fucking that sweet cunt and decided to make her his latest sex toy, rich people do what they want in America, the lucrative contract lasts 2 years, the first month was a trial period to see if Ashley's vagina would be suitable for heavy use, John, the overseer assigned to her was an ex cop who used the badge to ex ploit black women, the man mountain was balding and unattractive, Ashley found his fat white body repugnant, but his massive penis would soon have her under control, she'd always loved bwc since her teens, she had several unsatisfying black boyfriends before the middle aged white janitor at skool broke her in properly, she never noticed to old guy checking her out, but when he cornered her in the basement during the lunch break Ashley got a big surprise, she had shrugged him of when she noticed the huge bulge in his pants, mesmerised and horny, the teenager gently stroked the hot, fat cock, swiftly she was naked and pinned to the grubby floor, the old white guy slavered as he fucked the young, tight cunt, couldn't believe his luck, Ashley clung to him as orgasms rocked her world, she could feel the pulsating cock bludgeoning deep into her vagina, she spread her thighs wider as thick hot spunk exploded deep into her fertile womb, Ashley looked up at the guy's reddening face and felt the still rock hard cock demanding more pussy, she missed classes, she emerged with a sore pussy full of semen knowing she wanted only white cock, when the janitor introduced her to friends and family Ashley happily fucked all of them, having become white man's pussy so early when the offer came in she lapped it up, during the trial period John imposed his will on the ebony pornstar, they shipped Ashley down to Alabama where she would service the redneck hordes, hundreds have fucked her, John supervises, the men are unattractive and older, all are well endowed, twoo gangbangs a day, the bubble butt beauty is currently being brutally fucked right now, she's become addicted to rough gangbangs, needs to full of spunk every day, John recently fitted a dog collar with his name as owner inside, Ashley is totally submissive in his presence, when the deal is completed he plans to take up full ownership of the lucrative cunt, by 30 he will start breeding the black beauty, she'll spend most her thirties barefoot and pregnant, Ashley's always wanted a white daddy to look after her.